Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our friends and "big baby"

This past weekend was really great! We ate dinner over at The Hopper's with Anna's family and Brandi in what has now become our new Thanksgiving tradition (twice is enough to make a tradition right?) Anna's mom spoiled us again by spending two days cooking for us and luckily for me she had some of my favorites... whole berry cranberry sauce, mac and cheese, and sweet potato casserole! Saturday we were able to have a quick visit with some friends who were in town before they headed back to their home away from home. Saying good bye is never fun but it was really good seeing Russ and Hil

On the baby front, things are going well.  I am getting plenty of rest and eating a lot. I feel like things have changed mentally for me over the past week now that we know we are going to have a baby boy. Its like I can finally picture him growing and imagine the future.  Tonight while Bobby was doing some school work I did a little shopping, nothing fancy just some thrifting for baby clothes and possible things for the nursery. I found a few outfits, some shoes and this nice rustic abc shelf.
 To get some practice we put an outfit on our big baby LuLu.  We gave her that nickname when found out we were having a baby, at 20 lbs she will be the bigger of the babies for a while. She was a pretty good sport playing dress up but she keeps giving us the evil eye not sure if its because we dressed her up or if because we made her wear boys clothes, but look how cute she is.


  1. So glad you're updating the blog again! Excited to be able to keep up with you from now on...IF this trend continues. And I can't believe Bobby got an iPhone, hell must have frozen over! haha Thomas is going to give him such a hard time.

  2. Lulu is so cute- but she looks like she's planning some revenge!
